About Us

Welcome to Wakeup Furniture: Your Trusted Source for Timeless Luxury Solid Wood Creations

Dedicated to crafting your dream space, one piece of furniture at a time, we bring a fusion of design expertise and unparalleled craftsmanship to every luxury solid wood creation we offer. Understanding the importance of your living spaces, we commit ourselves to providing you with the finest bespoke furniture, tailor-made to suit your unique tastes and preferences.

Solid Wood Collection

Why choose Wakeup furniture!


Wakeup’s vision is to redefine what it means to have a home. We believe that living spaces should be more than just functional; they should inspire and rejuvenate. We envision a world where our furniture creations become expressions of personal taste, seamlessly blending aesthetics and comfort to create an atmosphere of timeless luxury.


Our mission at Wakeup Furniture is to go beyond the role of furniture makers. We are dedicated to becoming creators of lasting impressions and unique narratives for each home we touch. Our luxury furniture is meticulously crafted and fully customizable, allowing our customers to infuse their personal touch into every piece. With a steadfast commitment to quality, sustainability, and innovation, we strive to enhance the way individuals experience and connect with their living spaces.


Success at Wakeup Furniture is measured by the enduring impact we have on the homes and lives of our customers. It's not just about the furniture; it's about the stories our pieces become a part of. Our success is reflected in the smiles of satisfied customers, in the longevity of our creations, and in the homes that stand as a testament to the artistry and quality synonymous with the Wakeup Furniture name. Each piece crafted is a milestone in our journey toward redefining luxury living, and every satisfied customer contributes to our ongoing legacy of success.